Every May the Town of Maiden marks the beginning of summer with a live music celebration downtown for the entire community. One major change? Maiden’s annual Spring Fest was held at the new Maiden Town Hall this year which CBSA has the pleasure of designing. Project Architect Marty Beal designed the facility with these types of community events in mind.
The $2M facility includes a main public entrance into a public corridor with access to Council Chamber, Community Room and Customer Service and various types of meeting spaces. All other spaces have controlled access limited to staff, staff escorted parties and elected officials. Storage needs are met with various levels of storage provided throughout the building with a second floor designed within the roof structure and designated as long term archive storage. Customer service is extended with a drive thru payment center and night depository. The public entrance is protected by a covered drive through vehicle drop area and covered access into the main entrance.
The vehicle drop off area doubles as a stage for community events such as Spring Fest with a covered area for bands and other entertainers. Exterior lighting and sitework was designed to support both day and night time events. The structure is also designed as a Level Four Essential Facility, designated as the Town’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and is equipped with a full capacity generator.
Maiden’s new Town Hall showcases the flexibility our designs can accomplish. This building can transform from a venue for community events to an EOC all while serving the daily needs of the Town’s government and it’s citizens. For more information on our designs or Architect Marty Beal, please contact the office at 828.322.3403 or [email protected].