Bid Results for Maiden PD

Bids for the Maiden Police Department were received by the Town on December 13, 2016.  The apparent low bidder is Hickory Construction Company but the project has not been awarded at this time.  Below are the bids as received.  For more information on this project, please contact [email protected] or 828.322.3403. Bids Recieved – Maiden PD

Maiden Police Department’s Pre-Bid Conference

A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for all qualified bidders will be held at 3:00 pm on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 in the Community Room located in the Maiden Town Hall at 19 North Main Avenue, Maiden, North Carolina 28650.  Single Prime Bidders are required to attend and subcontractors and vendors are invited to this Conference.  Attendance…

Maiden Police Department is Out for Bid

Separate Single Prime sealed Bids for the construction of a new Police Department is requested.  Work generally includes construction of a new one story police department (approximately 9,858 gross square feet).  The scope of work includes but is not limited to site work, concrete, masonry, thermal and moisture protection, steel erection, exterior metal stud walls,…

Bringing Blue Ridge Energies East

CBSA has been excited to watch the growth of Blue Ridge Electric and assist with their architectural needs.  Our latest design projects are even closer to home. Blue Ridge Energies is opening two propane and natural gas distribution offices in Morganton and Conover.  Glenn Grubb, Director of Purchasing and Facilities, has asked our firm to help upfit the existing…

Maiden’s Spring Fest 2016

Every May the Town of Maiden marks the beginning of summer with a live music celebration downtown for the entire community.  One major change?  Maiden’s annual Spring Fest was held at the new Maiden Town Hall this year which CBSA has the pleasure of designing.  Project Architect Marty Beal designed the facility with these types of community…

First Year at the New William Lenoir Middle a Success

The 2015-2016 school year for Caldwell County students is almost at an end.  For CBSA, it marks our first post-construction milestone with the New William Lenoir Middle School for Caldwell County Schools.  Steve Walker, the project architect, will conduct a year-end warranty inspection on the facility after the students start their summer break. “We love our new…